Kamis, 13 Juni 2013


1.KPopers karbitan, ciri2 nya gk ada angin gk ada hujan tiba2 mereka menyukai KPop setelah melihat video/gambar, tp seminggu kemudian lupa2.KPopers JONES, ciri2 nya mereka gk punya kekasih tapi selalu mempunyai alasan "kan LDR pacar gw di Korea" trus setiap hari Idoling di TL3.KPopers Pemalu, ciri2 nya mrk Idoling di Roleplayer biar bisa bebas ganti ava, background ssuai bias dan Idoling tanpa takut dibilang alay
4.KPopers Serakah, ciri2 nya punya byk bias trus gak rela temennya punya bias yg sama5.KPopers Narsis, ciri2 nya bawa handbanner & nulis nama Idol di gadget berharap di sorot kamera biar masuk layar besar/TV trus bergaya deh6.KPopers minta dijorokin ke jurang, ciri2 nya suka ngeledekin Idol lain tpi giliran Idol nya diledekin gk terima trus ngeluarin kata2 kotor7.KPopers Penghisap, ciri2 nya setiap hari save as gambar, download video yg berhubungan sama Idol, klo males download copy punya temen....8.KPopers Ngeselin, udah di kasih info tapi masih nanya pertanyaan yg jawabannya udah ada di informasi tersebut, alias males baca 9.KPopers Beruntung, ciri2 nya sering menang kuis, jadi lucky fans, trus trus klo nonton konser dibayarin ortu nya bukan duit sendiri....10.KPopers Sejati, ciri2 nya selalu berusaha untuk ketemu bias tidak mengenal kata "gak punya duit" krn dia yakin pasti selalu ada jalan :)11.KPopers gk tau diri, ciri2 nya udah ada promotor yg mau bawa Idol nya ke Indonesia tpi malah dihina-hina karena masalah tgl & harga tiket12.KPopers Troll, ciri2 nya lebih suka menghina bias daripada memuji, contohnya: "alay lu", "jelek lu", "gk waras lu" dll.13.KPopers Jorok, ciri2 nya suka buang sampah sembarangan pas nonton konser 14.KPopers Ngeyel, ciri2 nya udah tau info nya hoax tp masih percaya & ngotot bgt,ngmgnya pake urat (bakso kali pake urat)15.KPopers Sial, ciri2 nya udah gunain berbagai cara biar bisa beli tiket konser tau taunya pas hari H ga di izinin sama ortu16.KPopers Yadong, ciri2 nya sering baca fanfic 17++ trus kalau Idol lagi konser berharap topless terus teriak-teriak gk karuan kyk dihutan17.KPopers Ninja, ciri2 nya kalo nonton konser pertama-tama dapet di blkg, tapi ga lama udah paling depan deket stage 

D interview

1.During the shooting, you were more serious than before.
GD: Do I seem lightweight?
2.I thought you would have a ball.
GD:Well, I enjoy doing music, but shooting is different with music because it's not the thing that I can do well, so I usually get a bit nervous to reduce mistakes during the shooting.
3. I remember when you sang "I'm 13 years old.". Is there any difference from the past?
GD:Umm.. I don't feel any different about my opinion that I will continue to do music as I get older. Surrounding conditions are different from the past. It was difficult to find music and listen to it, difficult to be on the stage. I'm happy that I can do whatever I want now. This surrounding condition is good to make my image. Well, others might envy me, but I think I worked so harder than they worked Seems like.. reward? Yes so I feel relaxed these days.
4.You said "G-Dragon, whatever they say." in the song "I'm 13 years old" and "The boy". There's no change, right?
GD:Yes. At that time, I did like that to show me even if there's nothing inside me. But now,hm.. there's something inside me.
5.You did collaboration with Ambush of Verbal. What made you like him?
GD:I like them because they are now much major. Musicians have their own brand and build up their power. It seems very cool. And that is what I want to do someday, so I asked a lot of questions when I met Verbal first.
6. It's familiar that others feature G-Dragon's music, but it's a bit unfamiliar that G-Dragon features others' music.This case is the latter one. How was it?
GD:This's the thing that I don't know. I tried to learn many things from them because they already achieved good results. They are like.. seniors who can teach me good things which are useful to me when I'm launching my own brand.
7.Is there still something that you want to have?
GD:Something that I want... now? I really want to have Yves Saint Laurent, though it aren't out yet. Because I've liked Hedi Slimane since I was young. I don't see collection yet, but I really want to see and to have it as soon as it comes out.
8.There is nothing that you can't have, right?
GD:Honestly, there's nothing. I can get if I try to get...
9.It seems like Big Bang is getting back to Hip-Hop since Bad Boy.
GD:From the very start, Big Bang have been a Hip-Hop group although it takes 5-6 years to get back to Hip-Hop. We thought people would follow us if we did idol's music first, did something else that people liked, gained popularity, and after that, did music we wanted. So I think we're doing Hip-Hop little by little and secretly. Our final aim is that popularizing Hip-Hop again.
10.Music and fashion are the one thing, right?
GD:Yes. People call me fashionista, but.. it's a bit.. embarrassing. Of course I'm very thankful but because I like music, I like fashion so I do like that. But there are many people who can dress very well. I occasionally saw foreigners who dressed well, and sometimes copied them...
11.Who is fashionable these days?
GD:Um.. these days, M.I.A looks cool. She is a woman, but handsome. Among men, there are a lot of cool men, personally I really like Pharrell.
12.‘One of a kind’ MV made me think about ASAP Rocky.
GD:I saw ‘Peso’ MV a few days ago, it’s really good. It seemed like old hip-hop, that feeling… I felt so good to see someone doing what I wanted to do. If I say I was never inspired from it, it should be lie. But I think it’s kind of my favorite song, favorite MV. It’s a bit different from inspiration. I don’t know what you think about my opinion, I didn’t get shock after watching foreign MVs. Musics and whole atmosphere of music market seemed a bit uninspiring, but “Peso” was very fresh and cool.
13.COMME des FUCKDOWN cap is getting famous. What do you think of people who wear clothes that you wore before?
GD:Cool. Great.
14.It’s great but it’s like don’t want to wear them anymore…?
GD:I didn’t. If I put on clothes which designed by one designer and entertainers put them too after I did, I didn’t put on them anymore. I can’t understand why I didn’t like that. But it feels great if people put on clothes that I made first. So I’m doing that…
15.For example, ‘Giyongchy’ cap which is from Givenchy?
GD:Yes, one example. Haha, I’m happy when I see people wearing cap, hoodie which are designed with simple font. Even if they are not for sale.
16.You look funny on the MV. Putting on not-much-cool clothes, dancing silly dance. It’s fresh and joyful. Don’t you care about that now?
GD:I think I cared so much thing before. I didn’t want to show myself who looked bad, and I thought couldn’t. But now, I think it’s good if I can explain my music and show me through that. People never saw the scene that I shaved before. Acting cool is familiar to them, so it could be boring.
17.You are the person who knows how to pose very well. Was there limit of looking funny?
GD:Well.. there was, unconsciously. But you know, like the lonely island did, it’s better to do properly. It seemed weired if I just gave it a lick and a promise. So I treid hard to look funny, but well, there’s involuntary limit inside me I think.
18.You likened yourself to wolf one year ago. Now you said “Fox, better be a bear” right?
GD:I felt relaxed during preparing the album. Last year, there was a period that I should take a rest, I saved energy at that time. That was the first time to be alone so I thought a lot and grew up..? I’m so sorry because that was a shameful thing but that period was the thing I needed. I let go of my greed for something I couldn’t do.
19.Have you failed in important thing?
GD:Um.. yes! Absolutely yes. I had an unrequited love for someone, I was not good at studying as well..
20.But G-Dragon seems to win always. You said “I’m sorry, I’m such a hot stuff” and it looks so natural.
GD:I think so now. Because I have confidence about everything. I had no confidence before. I was daunted when I was young because I was short and had a small frame.
21.This time, there’s nothing like triple title songs or many MVs. There is only your music. It’s because you have confidence?
GD:This is my own solo album and mini album so I did what I wanted to do. There’s no concept in this album. There is a bit weird track, 1st track and 2nd track have no connection. I put what I wanted into this album and make it so people could choose and listen depending on their moods. Well it’s because my life is like that these days. Not because of confidence. And I think people like the way I’m doing.
22.I thought you showed us what you wanted to show. If you wanted to show strategically, I think you should show “One of a kind” at the end.
GD:Yes, you’re right. I showed what I could do well first, and I think “One of a kind” explained everything I wanted to tell through this album. Music video, style, lyric, mood and everything.
23.I heard YG chose title song. Is there something that you cannot yield?
GD:I tend to write many lyrics, I think lyric is similar with authors’ writing. One word can change everything. YG asked me to change lyric that many people can empathize, but I insisted. Like ‘That Bastard’.
24.How would you rate your album?
GD:Um.. score. 70?
25.Only 70?
GD:70? 77! 70… I can’t rate now. I think I will be able to rate 3 or 5 years later.

Nama- nama tempat dalam bahasa Korea Tempat-tempat komersial

Indonesia Hangul Pengucapan Rumah Sakit 병원 byeongwon
Apotik 약국 yakguk
Bank 은행 eunhaeng
Salon Kecantikan
Salon Kecantikan 미장원 mijangwon
Barbershop 이발소 ibalso
Pemandian Umum
Pemandian Umum 목욕탕 mogyoktang
realtor 복덕방 bokdeokbang
realtor 부동산 budongsan
Institut 학원 hagwon
Tempat Penyewaan
Tempat Penyewaan 대여점 daeyeojeom
Laundry 세탁소 setakso
Supermarket 슈퍼 syupeo
Toko 가게 gage
Pasar 시장 sijang
Department store
Department store 백화점 baekwajeom
Toko Buku
Toko Buku 서점 seojeom
Restaurant 식당 sikdang
Restaurant 음식점 eumsikjeom
Bakery 제과점 jegwajeom
Toko peralatan rumah tangga
Toko peralatan rumah tangga 가구점 gagujeom
Bioskop 영화관 yeonghwagwan
Bioskop 극장 geukjang
Pom Bensin
Pom Bensin 주유소 juyuso
Toko diskon
Toko diskon 할인점 harinjeom
duty-free shop
duty-free shop 면세점 myeonsejeom
convenience store
convenience store 편의점 pyeonuijeom
Bar 술집 suljip
Hotel 호텔 hotel
Penginapan 여관 yeogwan
penginapan murah
penginapan murah 여인숙 yeoinsuk
motel 모텔 motel
Tempat parkir
Tempat parkir 주차장 juchajang
Taman bermain
Taman bermain 놀이터 noriteo
Lapangan Olah raga
Lapangan Olah raga 운동장 undongjang
Ski area
Ski area 스키장 seukijang
Kolam Renang
Kolam Renang 수영장 suyeongjang
Health club
Health club 헬스장 helseujang
Race track
Race track 경마장 gyeongmajang

Colors Indonesia Hangul Pronunciation

Merah 빨강색 ppalgangsaek
Orange 주황색 juhwangsaek
Kuning 노랑색 norangsaek
Hijau 초록색 choroksaek
Biru 파랑색 parangsaek
Biru gelap
Biru gelap 남색 namsaek
Ungu 보라색 borasaek
Hitam 검정색 geomjeongsaek
Putih 흰색 hinsaek
Hijau terang
Hijau terang 연두색 yeondusaek
crimson 진홍색 jinhongsaek
Merah darah
Merah darah 다홍색 dahongsaek
Merah maroon
Merah maroon 밤색 bamsaek
Biru muda
Biru muda 청색 cheongsaek
Abu-abu 회색 hwisaek
Hijau muda
Hijau muda 녹색 noksaek
Biru langit
Biru langit 하늘색 haneulsaek
Emas 금색 geumsaek
Perak 은색 eunsaek

Beberapa bahasa Korea yang pengucapannya lucu :::

1. Keadaan Darurat = Pisang Sangtae
2. Pintu keluar Darurat = Pisang gu
3. Pejabat pemerintah : kwalli (masa pejabat dibilang kuali :p)
4. Bingkisan = sopo ( ini bahasa jawa xD )
5. Berhenti = kumanduda (ku menduda kayaknya :p)
6. Makan malam = siksa ( sadis amat makan malam disiksa #plakk)
7. Musik = umak (di kampungku ini artinya emak/ibu)
8. Resleting = chipo ( tambah "k" jd chipok *eh)
9. Sekretaris = piso (tajem2 gimana gitu)
10. Seragam = chebok (iyeuuwhh)
11. Tenis meja = takkut (masa maen tenis meja doang takut)
12. Angin Topan = Taepung (taepung terigu??taepung beras??#plakk)

Cr : Putii Kinantii Arkeshya
Via : We're ELF INA Love Super Junior Yeongwonhi. | Angels Leeteuk Forever II